Using Enterprise Manager 13c Cloud control we can create PaaS Infrastructure Zone. It creates platforms onto which we can deploy our applications. It may be used for Databases, Middleware, SOA. A platform resource is typically comprised of a host, operating system, and application server, and may be virtualized. The platform may also include a database and even multiple hosts in a cluster.
Open Enterprise Manager Cloud control.
Click on Enterprise >> Cloud >> Cloud Home
On Cloud Home Page Click on Oracle Cloud and Click on Resource Providers.
Click on Create button on the Resource Providers page to Add Resource Providers.
Create Resource Provider window will be appeared.
Select on PaaS Infrastructure Zone and Click on Create.
Type the Name for Target Name, Name and add description.
On members page click on Add to add hosts.
Search the member hosts that will be the part of this PaaS.
Select the member hosts that will be the part of this PaaS and Click on Select.
Click on Next once select of the member host is completed.
Select required host credentials. In my case I am creating new host credential. If already Named credential exists you can use it too.
Select required Placement Constraints and click on Next.
Provide the Characteristics. They are the values as the contact details, Cost Center, Department and others.
The Role page will be appeared. Click on Add to add the Roles that will have access on this PaaS Infrastructure Zone.
Search the role.
Select the Role, in this case ROLE_SSA has been selected.
Once Role is selected click on Next to continue.
Finally Click on Review to review the details. Click on Submit to Create PaaS.
Now PaaS Infrastructure Zone creation is on progress.